Because I really should be writing papers, I don't have time to write any lengthy reviews, so I've just jotted some notes and provided a variety of links. Basically: if you're a historical romance fan, *read them*!!
Read May 5, 2009
Mary Jo Putney's The Wild Child (Brides Trilogy, Book 1) ****1/2 page
Most helpful positive reader reviews: Dr W. Richards "wmr-uk" and Catherine Asaro
Most helpful negative reader reviews (not many to choose from!): J. Mullally "CBDB"
Mary Jo Putney's website | book page | excerpt

Meriel is different and other-worldly in many ways, but Putney writes from her point of view very well, so although she's a mystery to most other characters, the reader is well-introduced to her right from the beginning. Dominic is a *wonderful* hero and it's such a nice change to have the declaration-of-love and desire-to-marry situation reversed: Dom is the one who first admits his love (and Muriel is discomfited whenever he says it and is unsure of her own feelings - understandably, since everything is changing so rapidly) and he is the one who wants to get married - very amusing exchanges about how Meriel would prefer to be his mistress. Dominic is a sweet, friendly, and gentle, somewhat a mess and aimless and very sadly estranged from his family and his twin brother. The relationship with his twin, Kyle, was very interesting and I think Putney did a wonderful job of showing us both sides and how they each viewed the tension and troubles that fractured their relationship, as well as how it affected and hurt them.
Read May 6, 2009
Jacquie D'Alessandro's Red Roses Mean Love ***** page
Most helpful positive reader reviews: A Customer, J.Brennan and Riley Merrick "jperceval"
Most helpful negative reader reviews (not many to choose from!): Susan Smith
Jacquie D'Alessandro's website | book page | excerpt

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