Apparently it's all the rage to make video trailers for books now ... I don't really see the point and personally, they only turn me off a book, they don't make more inclined to read it. However, maybe that's just me ...?
Julia Quinn's new book, What Happens in London, is coming out Tuesday, June 30th (along with four other historical romance books - look to the right) and on the page there is this very absurd trailer. I watched it and seriously, I don't understand why they make these?! The video comes off as amateurish and kind of hokey - not really the way you want to advertise a soon-to-be-released book. Does anyone else agree with me here, or am I alone in this?
Regardless of the bad book trailer, I am looking forward to reading Quinn's latest novel and I am crossing my fingers that this one is actually a hit - so far, the three she's written since the Bridgerton series ended have been ... quite horrible. I've found it so disappointing, since her Bridgerton books are some of my favorite historical romances.

Author: Julia Quinn
Release Date: June 30, 2009
List Price: $7.99
Summary (from back cover):
When Olivia Bevelstoke is told that her new neighbor may have killed his fiancée, she doesn't believe it for a second, but still, how can she help spying on him, just to be sure? So she stakes out a spot near her bedroom window, cleverly concealed by curtains, watches, and waits... and discovers a most intriguing man, who is definitely up to something.
Sir Harry Valentine works for the boring branch of the War Office, translating documents vital to national security. He's not a spy, but he's had all the training, and when a gorgeous blond begins to watch him from her window, he is instantly suspicious. But just when he decides that she's nothing more than a nosy debutante, he discovers that she might be engaged to a foreign prince, who might be plotting against England. And when Harry is roped into spying on Olivia, he discovers that he might be falling for her himself ...
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